“The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Economic Rights (OSRESCER) published the “Compendium on Labor and Trade Union Rights…Because the compendium systematizes inter-American standards, it is a tool for improving and strengthening legislation, practices, and public policies seeking to promote labor rights with a human rights focus. In this sense, the compendium builds on the historical work that the IACHR has carried out in the course of developing its mandates. The text includes a selection of relevant extracts from reports issued by the IACHR, which provide an overview of the inter-American standards that have been developed around labor rights.”
Link to press release: https://www.oas.org/en/iachr/media_center/PReleases/2020/314.asp
Also available in Spanish